Join us
Introduction and Background
The London Centennial Wheelers was founded in 1967 by a group of local cyclists with considerable racing experience in South Western Ontario. The purpose of the club was to promote bicycle racing, to develop young riders and to serve as a focal point for cyclists interested in bicycle touring and racing. The club has been one of the most successful clubs in Canada and has helped produce Provincial and National Champion cyclists. While the London Centennial Wheelers history and ongoing focus is in touring and road racing, many present members are involved in mountain bike racing, cyclocross and triathlons. Other members are recreational cyclists who like to push themselves to go a little faster. As a club member, you will have access to training rides, club races, and time trials. You will also receive, social events, discounts at some local bike stores and a supportive environment in which to progress your cycling skills.
Membership Benefits:
LCW Membership main benefit is access to all of the LCW cycling programs. Some LCW events are open only to LCW members. In addition, you get:
Saturday Touring Rides
Club Racing events
Club TT Series
Club Training Events
Club MTB Events
Access to social events
Representation in the cycling community
Cycling skills development
LCW clothing available for purchase
Frequently Asked Questions about the London Centennial Wheelers Cycling Club
How do I join the London Centennial Wheelers?
2025 memberships may be purchased online via CCN by clicking here. Clicking the link to the left will open a new window to our membership processor, CCN Bikes. You will be required to register on the CCN Bikes website, if you haven't already, following which you will be able to process your LCW membership.
If you prefer to register over the telephone, call CCN Bikes at 866-534-2453 or 604-332-4433.
Membership fees for this year are:
Adult: $40.00 (+ Insurance, if needed)
Youth: $15.00 (+ Insurance, if needed)
The youth membership applies to individuals who were under 18 years of age as of January 1st, 2025.
Payment is by VISA or Mastercard only.
Insurance will be charged separately for those who do not already have insurance through holding a UCI Race License, or membership in another OCA affiliated club. Club Affiliate Insurance for 2022 is $45 through the Ontario Cycling Association.
If you have any problems processing your membership Contact us!
How do I begin racing?
LCW "learn to race" clinics and training rides are a good place to learn how to race. We also run our beginner level races classed as C races. Any LCW member is welcome to attend. We recommend that participants attend a learn to race. Clinics are held on Tuesday nights in the early season and on a monthly basis thereafter. Dates are listed on the Calendar. Those interested in participating in races sanctioned by the Ontario Cycling Association will need to obtain a race license or citizen permit. For more information consult the Ontario Cycling Association website.
Does the Club organize mountain bike events?
The London Centennial Wheelers is primarily a touring and road racing club. The majority of events organized by the club are road touring racing specific. We have started in 2020 to offer mountain bike events and maintain a "if you host it, they will come" mentality.
Does the Club ride Gravel?
You are in luck! In 2025 we will have some gravel options and we also encourage people to host the rides. For more information reach out to the touring director.
Can I participate in the Club events without being a member?
For our rides, you must be a club member. We do offer a few "Try a Club" opportuities per year. Please contact the club for more details or review the club calendar.
At what pace are the London Centennial Wheelers touring rides?
Club touring rides take place at an average pace between 25 and 35 km/h. The pace varies depending or terrain, weather conditions, time of year what group you ride with and the level of fitness of the riders present.
Training rides take place at an average pace between 35 and 40 km/h. The pace varies depending or terrain, weather conditions, time of year, what group you ride with and the level of fitness of the riders present. There are also sections of each ride where the tradition is for faster riding and sprints. During these portions of club rides, the pace is often in excess of 50 km/h.
Licensing FAQ
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask! We all remember trying to register the first time.
Helpful Link to OCA